
Foodstore Schemes

County: Gwent
Gross Area: 47,000 sq ft.
Operator: Safeway
Status of Scheme: Completed

A 4,400 sq m store out of centre built for Safeway stores in the early 1990’s. Site acquired through negotiation. Currently trading as a Waitrose

County: Ceredigion
Gross Area: 4,400 sq m
Operator: Safeway
Status of Scheme: Completed

4,400 sq m store built for Safeway stores as part of a comprehensive development strategy for the Parc-y-Llyn area to include the first phase of the bypass, 25 acres of housing, 8,100 sq m of non food retailing and additional commercial space. It was the start of the Company’s long running involvement in Aberystwyth starting in 1990 and ending with being selected by Ceredigion CC for a Town Centre scheme of 11,650 sq m to include a Tesco and Marks and Spencer.

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County: Devon
Gross Area: 26,400 sq ft.
Operator: Tesco
Status of Scheme: Completed

A 2,600 sq m edge of centre store for Tesco linked into the Town centre by way of an extensive ramped pedestrian path. It was one of the earlier stores for Tesco in the smaller market towns.

County: Gwent
Gross Area: 75,000sq ft.
Operator: Asda
Status of Scheme: Completed

A comprehensive edge of centre redevelopment scheme carried out in conjunction with finance from the Welsh Development Agency as a joint venture with Caerphilly County Borough Council. The scheme was a major urban regeneration involving developing out on a site overlain with coal shafts, fault lines and above all on the site of a former household waste tip. The site was developed out to provide a new inner bypass,a 7,400 sq m store for Asda Stores, 4,200 sq metres of non food and a Town Centre car park.

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County: Cornwall
Gross Area: 49,450 sq ft.
Operator: Safeway
Status of Scheme: Completed

A 4,600 sq m out of centre store built for Safeway stores in the early 1990’s. Site acquired through negotiation.

County: Dorset
Gross Area: 41,500 sq ft.
Operator: Safeway
Status of Scheme: Completed

A 4,000 sq m out of centre store built for Safeway stores in the early 1990’s. Site acquired through negotiation.

County: Carmarthenshire
Gross Area: 40,000 sq ft.
Operator: Tesco
Status of Scheme: Completed

A 4,500 sq m Edge of centre store built for Tesco stores in the early 1990’s. The scheme was developed out as part of the redevelopment of the…

County: Carmarthenshire
Gross Area: 50,000 sq ft.
Operator: Safeway
Status of Scheme: Completed

A 4,500 sq m store out of centre built for Safeway stores in the early 1990’s. Site acquired through negotiation.

County: Somerset
Gross Area: 44,000 sq ft
Operator: Tesco
Status of Scheme: Completed

An out of centre 4,200 sq m foodstore with 226 car spaces developed as a Joint Venture with Bristol based developer Canynge Bicknell for Tesco stores.

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County: Pembrokeshire
Gross Area: 50,000 sq ft.
Operator: Safeway
Status of Scheme: Completed

An edge of centre redevelopment of the former Cattle Market to include a new 4,600 sq m food store for Safeway. As part of the scheme the cattle market was relocated to a site out of Town.

County: Bristol
Gross Area: 32,000sq ft
Operator: Somerfield
Status of Scheme: Completed

A complex acquisition of 12 private sector interests including 4 houses on a Town Centre site to provide a new 2,400 sq m store for Somerfield Stores and a town centre car park. The scheme had been as an aspiration of South Glos District Council to help regenerate the shopping centre of Kingswood.

County: Anglesey
Gross Area: 25,000 sq ft.
Operator: Safeway
Status of Scheme: Site sold

The redevelopment of a former cattle market in Llangefni Town centre for a 2,300 sq m store for Safeway stores and 180 car spaces.

County: Kent
Gross Area: 60,000 sq ft.
Operator: Safeway
Status of Scheme: Site sold

A 5,500 sq m foodstore on an edge of centre site that was sold to Safeway Stores.

County: West Glam.
Gross Area: 90,000 sq ft.
Operator: Asda
Status of Scheme: Completed

An 8,500 sq m store for Asda , 600 car spaces and a drive thru for KFC as part of a comprehensive redevelopment of Morgan Crucible’s factory premises.

County: Glos.
Gross Area: 49,450 sq ft.
Operator: Safeway
Status of Scheme: Completed

An out of centre store of 4,600 sq m for Safeway to include 250 car spaces and a Petrol station.

County: Devon
Gross Area: 57,000 sq ft.
Operator: Tesco
Status of Scheme: Completed

A comprehensive edge of centre redevelopment to include significant infrastucture and anti flood measures to provide a new edge of centre store of 5,500 sq m with 350 car spaces and a petrol station for Tesco stores. The land acquired was in multiple ownership.

County: Wiltshire
Gross Area: 49,450 sq ft.
Operator: Safeway
Status of Scheme: Completed

A new store of 4,600 sq m for Safeway Stores in an edge of centre allocated site within easy walking distance of the High Street. The site acquired following a complex and tortuous site acquisition process of over 9 different interests.

Non-foodstore Schemes

County: Ceredigion
Gross Area: 75,000 sq ft.
Status of Scheme: Completed – bulky goods non food for Focus, Carpetright, Currys, Halfords.

County: Ceredigion
Gross Area: 13,000 sq ft.
Status of Scheme: unrestricted non food for Richleys (now occupied by Next).

County: Gwent
Gross Area: 45,000 sq ft.
Status of Scheme: Completed – open retail for Farm Foods, Richleys, Blockbuster, Brantano, McDonalds, Pets at Home.

This scheme was developed out as part of the Town centre redevopment with Asda to include an additional 4,300 sq m of large space retail units to accommodate tenants including: Farm Foods, Richleys, Blockbuster, Brantano, Pets at Home and Macdonalds

County: Somerset
Status of Scheme: Work is currently progressing on site with the final phase of the scheme due to be fully completed by October 2019.

Once completed the existing retailers will be joined by occupiers including an M&S Foodhall, Home Bargains, Food Warehouse and an enlarged Lidl. CDL’s role over a 4 year period has been to provide a full Development Manager service including coordination, management and delivery of Land acquisition, 3rd Party negotiations, design feasibility studies coupled with financial evaluations, planning & highways consultation, tenant negotiation, legals and delivery of the development programme.

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County: Glam.
Gross Area: 71,800 sq ft.
Status of Scheme: Completed – bulky goods non food / leisure for Wickes, Staples and Gala.

A 7,000 sq m out of town bulky goods non food and leisure scheme developed out for Wickes, Staples and Gala Bingo

County: Derbyshire
Gross Area: 75,000 sq ft
Status of Scheme: Allocated – awaiting Development Brief.

County: Gloucestershire
Gross Area:
Status of Scheme: Completed

County: Devon
Gross Area: 61,000 sq ft.
Status of Scheme: Completed – bulky goods non food / leisure for Gala and Staples.

An edge of centre multi level regeneration project of 6,000 sq m that was developed out to provide a new store for Staples with a Gala Bingo unit at First floor with restaurants at Lower Ground Floor and an additional retail unit let to Heingericke. The scheme provided for a multi storey car park of circa 175 cars. The developm

County: West Glam
Gross Area: 62,800 sq ft.
Status of Scheme: Completed – DIY non food for B & Q

A stand alone store of 6,000 sq m that was one of the first large stores that B&Q developed in the Country to accommodate the growing DIY market where the trade customer could be accommodated alongside the traditional retail customer.

County: Wiltshire
Gross Area: 51,250 sq ft.
Status of Scheme: Completed – bulky goods non food for Currys, Carpetright, Halfords.

An out of town traditional bulky goods scheme of 5,000 sq m that was constructed on the site of the former factory where Spitfire engines were first produced. The scheme was forward funded by London and Manchester and let to Currys, Carpetright, Halfords, Allied Carpets , Pets at Home and Macdonalds.

County: Hampshire
Gross Area: 85,000 sq ft.
Status of Scheme: Completed – unrestricted non food for Matalan, Carpetright, JJB Sports and Brantano

An edge of centre unrestricted A1 retail scheme for large space users of 8,100 sq m let to Matalan, carpetright, JJB sports and Brantano.

Chelverton Deeley Freed

County: Ceredigion
Gross Area: 11,650 sq m Town centre scheme for Tesco and M&S.
Status of Scheme: Selected by Ceredigion CC and successfully completed

This edge of Town Centre regeneration project is a joint venture with Deeley Freed Estates for 125,000 sq ft of development to provide new stores for both Tesco and M&S. The scheme includes 8 apartments. Chelverton Deeley Freed were selected by Ceredigion CC following an extensive OJEU exercise. Work commenced on site in late 2014 with Tesco opening in November 2016 and M&S in March 2017. The 8 flats have been sold.

County: Bath & NE Somerset
Gross Area: 11,000 sq ft Argos
Status of Scheme: 11,000 sq ft Argos.

A joint venture with Deeley Freed Estates. The scheme required the unconditional purchase of a former car showroom and garage on the Upper Bristol Road. Having completed the acquisition and received confirmation of Planning permission the property was refurbished and let to Argos with the investment being sold to Pears Pension Fund.

County: Bath & NE Somerset
Gross Area: Residential site – 8 Town Houses and 3 Flats
Status of Scheme: Completed

A joint venture with Deeley Freed Estates. Surplus land from the Argos scheme was acquired by Chelverton / Deeley Freed SPV. Planning consent was secured for a residential scheme comprising flats and town houses. The site was sold to student accommodation developer Watkin Jones.

County: Blaenau Gwent
Gross Area: 102,500 sq ft food/non-food
Status of Scheme: Asda completed. Units let to Halfords, Richleys, Farm Foods, Home Bargains, Peacocks and Pets at Home.

A joint venture with Deeley Freed Estates for a major urban regeneration project on the site of the former Dunlop Semtex factory. The building was an icon in architectural and engineering fileds as it was the largest concrete framed building in Europe when constructed. When Chelverton became involved the site was heavily contaminated and had been subject to various abortive attempts to have the area redeveloped into a comprehensive residential and retail scheme such that it linked into the existing Town centre. Chelverton worked with the WDA and Brynmawr County Borough Council to redevelop the site for an Asda stores of 8,100 sq m and an additional 3,200 sqm of unrestricted non food retail space with good pedestrian links to the Town Centre. The scheme moved from initial landowner meetings, scheme inception, planning to a start on site within just over 12 months.

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County: South Gloucestershire
Gross Area: 32,000 sq ft foodstore for Waitrose + 12 acres housing
Status of Scheme: Completed Waitrose. Residential site under construction

A joint venture with Deeley Freed Estates for a comprehensive redevelopment of part of Hanson’s existing quarry complex for a Waitrose Foodstore, pedestrian link with unit shops linking the store to the High Street, a new Town centre car park for over 300 cars and 10 acres of housing to include a 2 acre extra care facility for Macarthy and Stone. The project took nearly 10 years of painstaking work as the site required many complex issues resolving. Not only was the site, which totalled close to 15 hectares outside of the Town boundary, in part a site of special scientific interest, within a Conservation Area, adjacent to a Grade 1 listed church and a cemetery but it also required considerable engineering/construction expertise as the Quarry void had to be filled to a depth of nearly 30 metres over an area of 4 hectares.

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County: Herefordshire
Gross Area: A previously multi ownership site of 1.75 acres located opposite Waitrose (Old Market) acquired by the joint venture with Deeley Freed Estates.
Status of Scheme: Planning consent was originally granted for 51 flats and 13,000 sq ft of retail. The residential element has been sold to Herefordshire Housing Association. Following an amendment to the initial planning consent the remainder of the site has been pre let to Premier Inn for a 65 bed hotel. The hotel element of the scheme has been pre funded allowing work to commence on site in August 2018 with completion expected in June 2019.

County: Somerset
Gross Area: 40,000 sq ft Asda foodstore
Status of Scheme: Asda store completed.

A joint venture with Deeley Freed Estates to provide a new foodstore for Asda of 3,500 sq metres with 250 cars on a highly contaminated edge of centre site. The development was built out to Asda’s specification and forward sold to them.

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County: Somerset
Gross Area: 55,000 sq ft Morrison
Status of Scheme: Development Agreement with West Somerset District Council. Site sold to Morrisons

A joint venture with Deeley Freed Estates. The joint venture company was selected at competition by West Somerset District Council to obtain Planning consent and promote a new edge of centre foodstore for Minehead whilst maximising revenue for the Council on a site within their ownership. Chelverton obtained a detailed consent and sold the site to Morrisons by way of an open tender.

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County: Gwent
Gross Area: 60,000 sq ft
Status of Scheme: Scheme Completed

A joint venture with Deeley Freed Estates. DFE unconditionally acquired a Focus store on the outskirts of Newport and subsequently obtained planning consent to develop out a new DIY store of 60,000sq ft with both a Garden centre and General Builders Centre with over 200 cars for B&Q.

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County: Gwent
Gross Area: 125,000 sq ft Tesco
Status of Scheme: Scheme Completed and forward sold to Stanhope PLC

1 of 1 A joint venture with Deeley Freed Estates where Chelverton were selected to work with Tesco to develop out a new 125,000sq ft edge of centre foodstore with 600 cars and a pfs which was linked to the Town centre with a pedestrian bridge. The site was heavily contaminated and had extensive Japanese knot weed covering parts of the site. Chelverton negotiated the purchase of the site, concluded the planning consent and undertook a significant infrastructure contract before starting work on the store itself. The Completed Tesco investment was forward sold to Stanhope Pension Trust Ltd.

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County: Dorset
Gross Area: 32,000 sq ft foodstore for Tesco + 2.5 acres housing
Status of Scheme: Site sold and store built out for Tesco

Chelverton working in a joint venture with Deeley Freed Estates purchased 30 acres of edge of centre land adjacent to Easton Town centre. The site was allocated for a housing scheme but currently occupied by a Portland Stone quarrying company called Stonefirms. Part of the site was a former quarry and suffered from having considerable level differences to the remainder of the site. Planning consent was subsequently obtained for a new Tesco Store of 3,100 sq m and 260 car spaces and 2 acres of housing. Chelverton subsequently carried out an extensive levelling exercise of the former quarry and constructed the store to Tescos specification. As part of the works Chelverton commissioned 3 Portland Stone Freizes, depicting life on Portland over the last 2 centuries, by a local sculptor. These are now mounted on the wall of part of the store.

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County: Derbyshire
Gross Area: Food store proposal.
Status of Scheme: Site sold to Tesco.